For more than a month now, the world has been discussing only one thing – COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic has brought life to a standstill. The virus which made its appearance in China in December 2019 has conquered the globe over the past few months.
Why should we gift children with experiences?
Work from home. Home-Based Learning. #SGUnited. Social Distancing. These terms that used to carry no significance other than their definitions now have different implications. For some terms, it may even involve acts punishable by the law. With the frenzy over abiding by the laws recently set to protect our people from this formidable virus known as Covid-19, have we forgotten what it feels like to experience life in person, rather than over screens?
Fighting the pandemic from our homes
Let’s take a look at how we can spend the coming weeks in the most conducive way to fight the pandemic that we are facing while at the same time ensuring that we do not get stressed out and as much as possible, retain our sanity.
Social media: friend or foe?
It has been less than two decades since social media announced its appearance on the world stage. Within such a brief span of time, it has penetrated into most aspects of our life. How many of us are not on social media today? Both Facebook and YouTube have more than 2 billion active users across the globe. WhatsApp has around 1.5 billion. Is this good? Or is this mass following a threat?
Online education – the solution to the COVID-19 educational disruption!
Have you felt that your life has been restricted over the past few weeks or months? All over the world, people have been overwhelmed by the Coronavirus pandemic. At least 166 countries have been affected by the virus [as of 20 March 2020, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)]. The effects are visible across different sectors. Borders have been closed, travel restrictions have been put in place and economic activities have been hit hard.
Nature or Nurture – Picking your CCAs!
Should we focus on nurturing new skills or just try to build and improve the ones that we naturally possess? Do we face this same issue while choosing and trying to get into Co-curricular Activities (CCAs)? Since we are taking a break from our CCAs now due to Covid-19, let’s take a dive into whether Nature or Nurture of skills and talents matters more.
Travel – A Timeless Pursuit of Happiness!
let’s not let Covid-19 dampen our spirits! This negative phase will pass, it’s all a matter of time. In the meantime, let’s talk about travel so that by the time this virus has passed, we can look forward to taking holiday trips again!
Reading – Are you doing it the right way?
We all know the benefits of reading – improved comprehension skills, enhanced knowledge about various subject matter, the list is endless. The real question to ask then is – How many of us actually read? No, we’re not talking about reading comics, or tabloid news on social media platforms. We’re talking about the actual pick up of the novel, read and thumb through each page type of reading. There you have it, most of us are guilty of not reading as extensively as we ought to.
How should we choose our jobs – Passion vs Practicality?
Based on the early findings of a 2016 survey on emigration carried out by the Institute for Policy Studies, 58.3% of Singaporeans between the age of 19 and 30 believe that emigration is inevitable as Singapore becomes more competitive and stressful.
The grass is greener on the other end – fact or fiction?
How does Singapore compare to the rest of the world when it comes to education and employment? Our nation has consistently held the top positions in the PISA rankings and the quality of higher education. It is the most sought after educational destination within Asia and one of the leading hubs in the world.