We can reach great heights in life only by lifting each other up. Inspire your children to share their love and strength with others. Such humane and responsible nature should be taught by parents to their children.
How do I make writing fun for my kids?
Language is what has made us who we are today. Man’s ability to observe, learn and pass on what knowledge they possess from one generation or even a civilization to another is what has made all progress possible.
Help your children make “good” friends
Friends are an important part of our life. A person’s life is most often influenced by the friends he/she is surrounded with, rather than their family. Before school days, they might be spending most of their time at home.
Can reading the same book more than once be beneficial for my child?
Reading is a skill that must be fostered in every child. A good reader can have many advantages over his peers in academics and in daily life. Reading brings several benefits to your children.
#PSLE Tip 1: Helping your child prep for the PSLE Science Paper
This time let’s focus on the Science paper and see what you can do to make your child’s prep for the exam smoother and more effective.
How can I occupy my child’s time this June holidays?
The June holidays are finally here! Half the year is over, and if you’re wondering where time has flown to, do consider how you can make full use of the June holidays to spend time with your children!
How can I make full use of the holidays?
Holidays are a great period of time for you to have fun and relax. But what if we told you that holidays are also a great time to learn?
Are family problems affecting my child’s education?
“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” – George Bernard Shaw. The modern world moves at a fast pace that most of us are not able to keep up with. Trying to fit into that world, we often neglect the most important assets in our life like our family and other personal relationships. Strained…
Making full use of CCAs!
Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are considered to be an essential part of a child’s education. The main reason behind this is that it provides children with skills that they will not learn in the classroom. These skills include teamwork, leadership, and other important life skills. Co-curricular activities can be anything from sports to chess club to music lessons. They offer children the opportunity to explore their interests and broaden their horizons. Now that we are learning to cope with the pandemic, CCAs are back in full force, and are definitely good enrichment for the young ones.
Which mode of learning is better? HBL or F2F?
The pandemic has brought about a lot of changes in our lives. One of them is the way children learn. During the lockdowns and curfews, home-based learning was in effect. Many children welcomed it, while some found it hard to cope. The state was similar when the home-based learning came to an end with the pandemic restrictions eased.