Stress is something that emerges as a constant companion to tests. It can wreak havoc on your preparation. The question on the anxious lips of many parents is, “how do we beat the stress?” This is not a new question. Well ever since we defined what stress was, we humans have always put our hearts and souls into finding means to handle it effectively. This exam season let us help our kids combat stress and come out in flying colours. Read on for a few valid tips.
Take it easy and stick to your plan
This battle against stress is going to be waged entirely in your mind. A calm mind is a blessing. But not all of us are lucky to have gained such a blessing. As parents, you need to ensure that your kids don’t panic. In keeping with what we have mentioned in our previous blogs, having a well-charted study and revision plan can go a long way in this respect. Stick to your plan. It will ensure that you finish your syllabus in time and in doing so give your kids a lot fewer reasons to get stressed about. But what if things don’t go to plan? What if you end up with a mountain load of portions to cover with very few days to go? Well, will get stressed about it do you any good? Everyone knows that the answer is an empathic ‘no’. So if ever things go down south, make sure that your kids can still keep a calm mind..
Take breaks and breathe some fresh air
Get this fact clear, your kid is not required to be locked up inside the study room for all 24 hours a day. Stress feeds on such overstrain. Give your kids regular breaks. With respect to how they spend these breaks certain things can be done. Make sure that they get some fresh air. Morning walks are a good idea. Nature is always the best cure to stress. Doing some exercise helps keep your mind fresh and relaxed. A short run every day with your kid is a good idea as well. Physical activity can work wonders as a stress combat too
Sleep is a must
Burning the midnight oil is not always a good idea. It turns to be counterproductive once you start devoting fewer hours to sleep. Make sure that your kids get a good amount of sleep even when the exams are impending. A kid that does not sleep enough can become a host to a large set of problems. Sleep at least 6-7 hours a day and it becomes that much harder for stress to get to you.
Talk to your children
We have stated this point last because as parents it is your prime responsibility to always maintain a strong line of communication with your kids. We assume that most of you might already be doing so. Well, don’t panic if you haven’t. There is never a bad time to start. Make use of this exam season for it. Talking to someone helps relieve stress. As parents, it is your responsibility to be with your kids and hear them out. Interact with them, ask them if everything is fine and keep them calm.
Yes, stress is a major threat. But it is not invincible. What is important is that you keep a calm head and help your kid see the exams though. The few tips discussed above can be really effective in your effort to conquer stress during this exam season. All the best!
Exam Smart Tip #1 – How to Encourage Our Kids to Speak Better?
Exam Smart Tip #2 – How to avoid carelessness?
Exam Smart Tip #3 – Establishing Routines!
Exam Smart Tip #4 – Let’s Read Carefully!
Exam Smart Tip #5 – Beating the Exam Fever!
Exam Smart Tip #6 – How to Eat Right for the Exams?
Exam Smart Tip #7 – How to Avoid a Meltdown?
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88tuition Pte Ltd offers the best PSLE Tuition Singapore for children looking to ace the PSLE exam. With effective learning materials and high-quality explanatory videos by experienced trainers, children are provided with the best online PSLE tuition.
With the basics learnt well, children will be able to grasp advanced concepts easily. Looking for the best PSLE math tuition, PSLE Science tuition and PSLE English tuition in Singapore? 88tuition has got you covered. The online training videos and assessments are designed in a way that children are made to enjoy the learning process.
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