Every budget brings about new hopes of economic empowerment and new dreams of upliftment for people. During these past 2 years, the government and everyone in the country rallied together to get through the challenge of the COVID pandemic. The budgets during this period were more focused on investing in people and enterprises to build a better, secure Singapore filled with opportunities for all.
Category: Learning
How to study smart?
Study smart, not hard; that is the mantra for the modern century!
Many students use different methods while studying and preparing for exams. But which of these are actually helpful? How can you help your children optimise their prep and studies? We have some tips to guide you.
Let’s reflect and move on to year 2022!
Holidays are out, school is in! Unfortunately, the holiday season is over and along with it, 2021 has just come to an end. With 2021 being more or less similar to 2020, most of us had to spend time within the four walls of our home. However, just like any other year, we would have experienced a lot of learning and came across life-changing experiences. With just 4 days into the new year, it’s time to reflect on the recent holidays and the year that has just passed. Take some time to sit down (with your children) and reflect on the past year.
How do I explain Home Recovery to my child?
It’s no surprise that children are easier targets of the Covid-19 virus. As many have yet to be vaccinated, the risk that they have to recover under the home recovery programme is high. Taking care of the little ones who have been affected by COVID 19, can be both challenging and daunting. What can you do as a parent to make your kids understand the home recovery process? Because they are young and require plenty of patience, let’s understand more about the some needs that they may have while on the home recovery programme.
Rediscovering your children’s learning style
Yes, getting a child actively involved in the process of learning is important. It is what makes the entire learning experience worthy and effective. However, there is one other important thing that parents need to understand
Why is it easy for children to learn languages?
Languages are more than just a mode of communication. It is an art of expressing emotions. It is a combination of words which when coupled with a person’s body language can help deliver the intended message to the listener. The vast number of languages spoken across the world represents different cultures, and learning a new language is like gaining access to a whole new world.
How to develop self-belief in my child?
A healthy relationship with the family is essential for good character and brain development. Have regular conversations with your children. Talk about their issues and help them overcome any challenges. It can help them rely on you when needed, and you can gain a better understanding of them.
PSLE Oral Exam is in 2 weeks! What can we do?
Two weeks time – the countdown is real, and happening really quickly. Yes, as though the Primary Six students are not aware, but we are two weeks away from the start of the Primary School Leaving Examinations!
PSLE Oral is coming! How can I help my child?
Communication is a vital skill for everyone, irrespective of what path they choose in life. This fact is evident from the importance given to the oral exam.
Making the most out of 88tuition Master Classes!
If you haven’t signed up already, you can go to 88tuition and register for the classes now. If you have registered and are looking forward to attending our classes, you might want to ensure that you do everything to make the most out of these classes