Diwali, the festival of lights, always brings with it a sense of joy and excitement. A festival that is mostly attributed to the Hindu culture of India, Diwali has over the centuries transcended the walls of religion and has turned out to be one of the most popular festivals in the world.
Category: Fun
Mixing in some Discipline!
During the school term, what goes through your mind when you are racing against time trying to finish an assignment or any other piece of work at the last minute? Does your mind voice say something like, “Oh, if only I had started studying a bit earlier”?
Preparing for the exam results!
For many of us, the daily routine would include spending a significant amount of time rewinding and analyzing the exact sequence of events that took place on the day of the exams. Many would be able to recall every minute detail from those days, ranging from the food you had for breakfast to the number of pens you carried to the exam hall. For others, most of the ancillary stuff would be a blur. Whichever category you fall into, chances are high that you may be kicking yourself constantly for some answer that you might have got wrong due to a lack of focus.
Bringing back the joy of learning!
Year 2020 – the year of many changes, and the presence of Covid-19 does nothing to help us cope with the unfamiliar and unprecedented events that have been happening. Similarly, there are some changes in the education landscape in Singapore that have happened, and will continue to happen in the near future.
Let’s Play for a Better Vocabulary!
Finally! The long anticipated (and much dreaded) PSLEs are finally over! Primary Sixes, take a deep breath, it’s time to relax, for awhile at least! Any idea what you plan to do during your break? Well done! Some of you are planning to finally get back to the many storybooks that you’ve been wanting to…
Happy Children’s Day!
Think October! What do we get? Yes, we are in the final quarter of the year. But what this also means is that it’s….. Finally Children’s Day!
Yes, our little Padawans, this is a day that we are reminded of your importance, not just for us to educate and nurture, but because you are our hope for the future. We celebrate this day that is meant to cheer on that’s the day on which we celebrate children across the length and breadth of our country. But what about this year?
Here’s to a Positive Break!
Planning for a positive break Just half-way through 2020, but it feels like we’ve been in this year for ages! So, how is your 2020 going? This year, people across age groups have had their lives disrupted like never before. For kids, these disruptions are sure to have an extra impact. The pandemic related challenges…
Let’s not forget how important hobbies are!
Talking about time-out, what do we do when we need that short bout of time to rest and recharge? That’s right! Think rest, think fun, think hobby! Having a hobby is really important in life. Hobbies can be the right remedy for a variety of situations. They can offer us solace during sadness, give us a perfect break from the monotony and keep us preoccupied when there is nothing else to do.
Breathing Positivity Into The Holidays!
In times of crisis, it is truly a blessing to be amongst the people whom we love and care about. As you read this, millions of people across the globe are stranded, unable to go home and reunite with their loved ones. If you are stuck indoors with your family, then you are definitely a lot luckier than a large chunk of people. During this period let us be there for each other, spend quality time with our family and come out of all this even stronger than before. Here’s wishing all kids a stupendous holiday!
Helping Your Kids Cope With Staying at Home!
Childhood is one of the most exciting periods of life and in this kind of tough situation, it is important for them to not lose their chill, and most importantly, child-like spirit. Your kids might be missing their friends, or simply be missing playing outdoors.