While most of the primary school students have started their end-of-year school holidays, a certain group of students are starting to feel the jitters. Yes, primary six students, this Wednesday, 25 November 2020, the Primary School Leaving Examination results will finally be out! Are you mentally prepared to receive them? What’s the mood at home right now? Yes, we know that our kids would surely be pretty anxious about the impending results. But it’s not just the kids, is it? The PSLE results are something that would definitely give parents a few sleepless nights as well. So, what do we need to do right now?
Author: 88tuition.com
How can I help my child succeed in the 21st century?
We are living in a time defined by fast-paced technological advances that have changed the way we live and work. To prepare for this future, your child’s education should equip them with the advanced skills they would need to thrive. This includes additional learning resources that can help your child.
Planning your vacation in the post-COVID world!
Are you planning to travel? Traveling or even going for a vacation was a distant dream for a good part of this year. Now, after months of staying at home, we have an option to travel to a good number of destinations. With many of the countries and travel destinations reopening, the hospitality and travel industries are also taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety and well-being of tourists.
The best online learning tools for this holiday season
So we hear a lot about all the benefits of online learning. But what about the amount of confusion that it creates? There’s just too much content out there in the online space and this applies to online educational content and online learning tools as well. So what do you need to do? You need to find out the best ones and utilise them. At times, keeping it simple can help a lot.
Celebrating Diwali!
Diwali, the festival of lights, always brings with it a sense of joy and excitement. A festival that is mostly attributed to the Hindu culture of India, Diwali has over the centuries transcended the walls of religion and has turned out to be one of the most popular festivals in the world.
Mixing in some Discipline!
During the school term, what goes through your mind when you are racing against time trying to finish an assignment or any other piece of work at the last minute? Does your mind voice say something like, “Oh, if only I had started studying a bit earlier”?
How can my child learn from mistakes?
Mistakes – how many of us shudder at the mere mention of the word? Yes, that’s not surprising. We aim for perfection, and whenever we fall short, we feel bad. But unknown to many of us, “mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.” However, that being said, touch your hearts and ask yourselves – do you like making mistakes?
Preparing for the exam results!
For many of us, the daily routine would include spending a significant amount of time rewinding and analyzing the exact sequence of events that took place on the day of the exams. Many would be able to recall every minute detail from those days, ranging from the food you had for breakfast to the number of pens you carried to the exam hall. For others, most of the ancillary stuff would be a blur. Whichever category you fall into, chances are high that you may be kicking yourself constantly for some answer that you might have got wrong due to a lack of focus.
Bringing back the joy of learning!
Year 2020 – the year of many changes, and the presence of Covid-19 does nothing to help us cope with the unfamiliar and unprecedented events that have been happening. Similarly, there are some changes in the education landscape in Singapore that have happened, and will continue to happen in the near future.
Help, my child is too stressed!
Kids can feel unduly stressed out due to the fear of scoring badly (or rather, less than the ideal grades expected) during the exams. However, this stress can only further deteriorate their prospects. How then, do we get our kids out of this stressful mindset?