Yes, we all know that friends are a major part of everyone’s lives, our children included. They keep each other company, entertain and support one another. Since humans are social animals, we can’t avoid interactions with others and yes, good friendships do help us out a lot in life. But sometimes, friendship and issues caused by it can be distracting children from their studies.
Scaffolding? How does that help my child?
In the blink of an eye, we are entering week 4 of term 2! How time flies – soon it’ll be the start of the Mid-Year Examinations. Parents, if we are starting to fret about how well our child is learning, let’s practice a simple method to help enhance their learning – The scaffolding technique.
How happy is my child?
Happiness – such a simple word, but let’s ask ourselves, how many of us are truly happy? Parents, I’m sure that you agree that w e want our children to be happy. As parents, that is everyone’s ultimate goal. We shower them with love and gifts, send them to good schools. We provide them with everything we think is gonna give them a happy life. But, are our children truly happy?
How to pick a private school?
Finished your Secondary school education? Not keen on pursuing a junior college or polytechnic education? Thinking of enrolling in a private education institution? Well, there are plenty of choices, especially in an education hub like Singapore! There are about 1000 private schools in Singapore that offer you a wide variety of courses. There are courses at the certificate, diploma, bachelor, and postgraduate levels.
Celebrating Easter during Covid!
Singapore – a society where a plethora of cultures come together, yet a nation where the hearts of her people beat as one. The real beauty of our nation lies in the magnificent diversity that we exhibit. This has helped our nation to imbibe the values of tolerance and cooperation while also giving us more opportunities to celebrate in various cultural events.
Time to end the Toxicity
A few days ago, a disturbing video emerged from one of Singapore’s oldest and popular higher education institutions. The harrowing video of harassment that got circulated depicted a group of students from the institution urinating on the backs of two naked students. The video has been panned by all sections of Singaporean society and the concerned institution has announced stringent measures against the perpetrators of this act of bullying.
Does your kid need to catch-up? Does he have Special Learning Needs?
Often, when our kids do not perform properly at school, it is viewed as a result of laziness – that they simply didn’t put in the necessary effort. What is the most common response to such scenarios? We end up enrolling our kids for tuitions or ask them to rethink their study plans, mostly suggesting that they put in more hours for study. But what if the problem is not of one’s lack of effort?
The Sleep Issues That We Shouldn’t Sleep Over!
The research in the domain of sleep and its significance in determining cognitive capabilities bring out results that cannot be neglected. The need for proper sleep among kids is always highlighted. The threats to cognitive abilities emanating from a lack of sleep as well as sleeping disorders appear to be quite significant.
Help, Term 2 is here! How can I prepare for it?
In the blink of an eye, the March holidays have come, and they will be gone soon. On March 22, our kids are all set to begin their Term 2 for this academic year. So, try reading the expressions on your young one’s face when you speak to her about this. Do you spot excitement? Or is it a look of concern? How do you think they feel about the coming term?
Managing the travel bug!
Experience is the best teacher, people say. Probing a bit further, it becomes clear that every experience that life throws before us leaves a part of it within us. That’s good, right? A reminder of the paths that we have traversed. But what if it could be detrimental as well, at least in some scenarios?